Diamond Blades 2.0: The Next Generation
For a long time people have been using diamond discs in their angle grinders. The tough and abrasive diamond grit makes cutting through tough materials such as stone, paving slabs, concrete or brick a far easier task.
The standard diamond disc would have segments, of which the tops of the segments are coated with a fine diamond grit.
An example of a standard segmented diamond disc:
This has worked well for a long time, but could it work better? The answer, quite simply, is yes! A lot better!
The next generation of diamond blades are here, Diamond Blades 2.0 if you like, the Diamond Multi Cutters. Like their predecessors they are designed for use in angle grinders or larger machines such as Stihl saws due to the high RPM, however the design allows them to be far more aggressive, and therefore effective.
For a start we are no longer talking about a fine diamond grit which quickly wears down, meaning that the blade’s cutting speed slows down throughout its life. Instead the Diamond Multi Cutters use larger diamonds, which allows them to cut more aggressively but also means that they wear away slower whilst staying sharp as they are used, so you are able to achieve a quick, clean finish whether it’s your first cut or your thousandth. You did read that right it isn’t a typo, these blades will easily perform a thousand cuts which makes them incredible value for money!
The main advancement of these blades though is the method used to attach the diamonds to the body. This is done by using a special Vacuum Brazing which allows for a very strong joint between the diamonds and the blade body which adds to the longevity of this product’s life.
So basically it’s just a diamond blade that cuts quicker right? Wrong! Not only is the blade better at cutting the materials a standard segmented disc already cuts, it is far more versatile and will cut materials that a standard disc won’t. In fact we’ve found it a real challenge to find materials that the Diamond Multi Cutter struggles to cut through!
We have tested these blades on the following materials:
Brick | Stone | Marble | Granite |
Ceramics | Cast Iron | Ferrous Metal | Non-Ferrous Metal |
Plastics | Fibre Glass | Carbon Fibre | Composite Materials |
Re-Bar | Multi-Material Items | Armoured Cable | Wood with nails & screws |
All of these cuts were made using the same blade, leaving us to believe that this is one of the most useful and versatile products out there that no angle grinder should be without!
Premium products will naturally come with a premium price tag. This is a fair assumption and if you compared the Diamond Multi Cutter to a standard diamond blade then yes you will be looking at spending roughly 50% more, however the Diamond Multi Cutter will last on average three times as long as the standard blades so in terms of value for money the Multi Cutter is far more cost effective.
To see the Diamond Multi Cutters in action, have a watch of this short video:
And to see the range and grab one for your own angle grinder simply follow this link: